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作者:        发布时间:2016-11-02        阅读量:

题目: UK General Practitioner’s Education and Training







科技处 公共卫生学院






1Chen R,Crichton SL, McKevitt CJ, Rudd AG, Sheldenkar A,Wolfe CDA. Association between Socioeconomic Deprivation and Functional Impairmentafter Stroke: the South London Stroke Register. 2015; 46:800-5. [IF 5.76]

2Chen R, Hu Z, Wei L, Wilson K. Socioeconomic status andsurvival among older adults with dementia and depression. Br J Psychiatry 2014;204:436-40.[IF 7.99]

3Greaves K, Chen Y, Appadurai V, Hu Z, Schofield P, ChenR. The prevalence of doctor-diagnosed angina in 4314 older adults in China andcomparison with the Rose angina questionnaire: the 4 province study. Int JCardiology. 2014;177:627-8.[IF 4.04]

4Chen R,McKevitt CJ, Crichton SL, Rudd AG, Wolfe CDA.Socioeconomic deprivation and provision of acute and long-term care afterstroke: the South London Stroke Register cohort study. Journal of Neurology,Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 2014; 85:1294-300.[IF 6.81]

5Chen R, McKevitt CJ, Rudd AG, Wolfe CDA. SocioeconomicDeprivation and Survival after Stroke: Findings from the Prospective SouthLondon Stroke Register of 1995-2011. Stroke 2014; 45: 217-23.[IF 5.76]

6Chen R,  Hu Z, Chen LR, Ma Y, Zhang DM, Wilson K.Determinants for undetected dementia and depression in older adults. Br JPsychiatry 2013;203:203-8.[IF 7.99]

7Chen R, Wilson K, Chen Y, Zhang D, Qin X, He MZ, Hu Z,Ma Y, Copeland JR. Association between environmental tobacco smoke exposure anddementia syndromes.Occup Environ Med 2013;70: 63-69.[IF 3.27]

8Chen R. Association of environmental tobacco smoke withdementia and Alzheimer's disease among never smokers. Alzheimer's &Dementia 2012;8:590-5.[IF 12.41]

9Chen R, Zhang D, Chen Y, Hu Z, Wilson K. Passive smokingand risk of cognitive impairment in women who never smoke. Arch Int Med2012;172:271-3.[IF 13.12]

10Chen R, Hu Z, Wei L, Qin X, Copeland JRM. Is therelationship between syndromes of depression and dementia temporal? - theMRC-ALPHA and Hefei-China studies. Psychol Med 2009;39:425-30.[IF 5.94]

11Chen R. Mortality attributable to smoking in China.NEngl J Med 2009;360:1911.[IF 55.87]

12Chen R, Hu Z, Wei L, Qin X, McCracken C, Copeland JRM.Severity of depression and risk for subsequent dementia: cohort studies inChina and the UK. Br J Psychiatry 2008;193:373-7.[IF 7.99]

13Chen R, Kumar S, Timmis A, Feder G, Yaqoob M, HemingwayH. Comparison of the relation between renal impairment, angiographic coronaryartery disease and long-term mortality in women vs men. Am J Cardiol2006;97:630-2.[IF 3.28]

14Chen R, Tunstall-Pedoe H. Socioeconomic deprivation andwaist circumference in men and women: the Scottish MONICA surveys 1989-95.European J Epidemiol 2005;20:141-7.[IF 5.34]

15Chen R, Wei L, Hu Z, Qin X, Copeland JRM, Hemingway H.Depression in older people in rural China. Arch Int Med 2005;165:2019-25.[IF13.12]

16Chen R, Hu Z, Seaton A. Eating more vegetables mightexplain reduced asthma symptoms. BMJ 2004; 328:1380.[IF 17.45]

17Chen R, Wei L, Syme P. Comparison of early and delayedrespondents to a postal health survey: a questionnaire study of personalitytraits and neuropsychological symptoms. European J Epidemiol 2003;18:195-202.[IF 5.34]

18Chen R, Tunstall-Pedoe H. Cancer risk, hypertension, andantihypertensive medication. Lancet 2002; 359:77.[IF 45.22]

19Chen R, Tunstall-Pedoe H, Tavendale R. Environmentaltobacco smoke and lung function in employees who never smoked: the ScottishMONICA study. Occup Environ Med 2001;58: 563-8.[IF 3.27]

20Chen R, Semple S, Dick F, Seaton A. Nasal, eye and skinirritation in dockyard painters. Occup Environ Med 2001;58: 542-3.[IF 3.27]

21Chen R, Dick F, Semple S, Seaton A, Walker LG. Solventexposure and personality. Occup Environ Med 2001;58:14-8.[IF 3.27]

22Chen R, Tunstall-Pedoe H, Bolton-Smith C, Hannah MK,Morrison C. Association of dietary antioxidants and waist circumference withpulmonary function and airway obstruction. Am J Epidemiol 2001;153:157-63.[IF5.23]

23Chen R, Dick F, Seaton A. Health effects of solventexposure among dockyard painters: mortality and neuropsychological symptoms.Occup Environ Med 1999;56:383-7.[IF 3.27]

24Chen R, Wei L, Seaton A. Neuropsychological symptoms inChinese male and female painters: An epidemiological study in dockyard workers.Occup Environ Med 1999;56:388-90.[IF 3.27]

25Chen R, Wei L, Huang H. Lung cancer mortality amongcopper miners. Br J Ind Med 1993;50:505-9.[IF 3.27]

26Chen R. Cognitive Development: Theories,Stages & Processes and Challenges (Book). Nova Science Publishers, Inc. NewYork, USA. 2014. ISBN-10:1631176048. Total pages 293.



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